Nov 29, 2013

How to delete tumblr account

I've just delete my Tumblr account because I'm not interested in Tumlbr anymore. Here I tell you how to do that :
1. On the top of dashboard page, click settings icon. The setting button is icon which look like a gear.

This is what the top part of  dashboard look like.
2. On the bottom of settings page, click "Delete account".

3. Then you have to answer this question. If you really really wanna delete you account, click the red one.

4. In this step, Tumblr wanna make sure if you really wanna do that. You have to write your blog URL, email address and Tumblr password, then click the red one.

5. If you did it, then the TumblrBot comes up!

Bye Tumblr...
*note : click the picture if you think it's too small.

Nov 18, 2013

craves "otak-otak"

Hello guys, it's been so long since I wrote the last post in this blog. What makes I write again in this blog? That's because I read this blog ( accidentally about hunting snorkeling tools. In this blog she wrote about any experience in her life. You know, that inspires me! I wanna be like her, write everything in my blog. Also, I'll try to write it in English! Yay! In the past few days, I like listening to the podcast from Real Life English.

Sooo, I'm gonna tell you about what I go through this afternoon. I had plan to buy "otak-otak" in front of WTC building after working hours. When I went back to home, I wanna try a now road behind the building I work in towards the road besides WTC building (of course that's the road before the seller of "otak-otak"). Actually, I don't know which side that I have to choose. Based on my adventurous soul *uhuk*, I chose the right one. I walked straight... and then I saw the intersection. Hmm, I confused at that time. Again, with my adventurous soul *uhuk*, I chose the left one. And I walked straight.... then I saw the WTC building from behind. Oh GOD! I realized that I've been in this road before and I knew where this road is going to end. That's the road beside the 7/11 in casablanca road. Hmm, I think when in the second intersection, I should turn right, but I turned left at that time. You know what, I walked pretty far and I couldn't buy "otak-otak" because I already passed the WTC building through the back road... Hmm... :(

Note : finally, I bought "otak-otak" in Kampung Melayu bus terminal. :P

Jul 17, 2013

Ornamen Ramadhan 2013

Foto ini diambil sepulang makan nasi kucing malem2. Ornamen itu ada di hotel garden palace, ornamen yg ceritanya menyambut bulan Ramadhan... Di belakang aku itu ada DIY bunga mawar putih berukuran yg disusun menutupi vas yang bentuknya seperti bola. Bagus sekali. Tapi sayang lupa ambil fotonya...

Jul 10, 2013

Doraemon cartoon

The cartoon tv show that I watch every morning since 2 days ago in Surabaya. I watch this while waiting the boys.

Mar 7, 2013

masa-masa ke Cilandak

Halooo, sudah lama tidak menulis apapun di blog ini... (emang ada yg baca???)
Been busy nih semenjak peak season. Project mengalir terus, bossku tambah kaya... dan aku tambah capek... hehehe. Hari ini baru saja selesai dari PT NUH, singkatannya PT National Utility Helicopters, perusahaan sewa pesawat gitu, di Cilandak... Aku berdua sama temenku ngaudit disini, sebenernya bukan ngaudit sih, tapi cuma review laporan keuangan aja... Orang-orang finance & accounting di sini asik-asik. Ada Bu Maria kepala departemennya, terus Bu Fatimah orang pajaknya, Mba Yani, Mba Lisa, Pak Setyawan, Pak Narto, dan terakhir Pak Nanang bagian accounting. Pak Nanang ini tempat kita sering bertanya-tanya kalo ada selisih di laporan keuangan atau ada apaaa gitu.

Nah sekarang aku mau cerita tentang akomodasi di sana. PT NUH itu tepatnya ada di Cilandak Commercial Estate. Kalau mau kesana, aku biasanya dari rumah naik mikrolet 06A sampai pasar rebo, terus naik 509 turun di perempatan trakindo, nah dari situ tinggal jalan kaki deh kalau mau ke PT NUH. Selama naik 06A waktu pagi dan sore ngga macet, tapi naik 509nya suka macet, oiya 509 itu kopaja yg lewat toll. Di toll TB Simatupang itu agak macet waktu pagi dan sore. Tapi ngga parah kok macetnya, ngga kayak Jl MT Haryono dan Gatsu kalau pagi... lebih bersahabat lah lalu lintasnya, mungkin karena itu toll juga ya...Ruangan audit memakai ruang meeting yang letaknya di lobby. Ruangannya ngga terlalu besar, cuma cukup untuk 6 kursi dan 1 meja... Cukup lah untuk 2 orang dan banyak odner...

Okay segitu aja ceritaku tentang PT yang aku audit ini, besok aku ditugaskan ke PT Panorama, temen-temen auditku yang lain sudah ada disana sejak lama. Aku juga sudah lama ngga ketemu mereka, nah besok waktunya ketemu, bisa ngobrol-ngobrol lagi deh bercanda-canda. :)